Sabtu, 21 November 2009


Mohammad Suyanto

n his book, SQ: Spiritual intelligence-The Ultimate intelligence, Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall told me about an American businessman and the fisherman Mexico. American businessmen praised the fisherman and asked how long it takes to catch it. Mexican fisherman replied, "Just a minute". Entrepreneur Amerikaitu asked again "Why did you not stay at sea longer to get more fish?". "This fish is sufficient to meet my family needs" the fisherman replied. "But, what do you do with the rest of the time?" Asked the American businessman. Mexican fisherman answered "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my kids, sleeping with istaya, a walk to the village every night to sip wine and play guitar with my friends. I have a life full and busy and Senior ". American businessmen were jeered, "I am a graduate of Harvard MBA and could help you. You should use more time to catch fish. With the profits from it, you can buy a bigger boat. From the results of a larger boat you can buy a boat again. In the end, you will have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling the catch to the middlemen, you can sell directly to the fish processing plant, and finally, you can open their own canning business. You will control the product, processing, and distribution. Later, you have to leave the small coastal village and move to Mexico City, then to Los Angeles, and finally, to New York, and you will run your own company's growing. "Nelaya Mexico then asked" But the senior, how long the time required for this? ". American businessman replied "Fifteen to twenty-five years". "Then after that what, senior?" Asked the fisherman. American businessman laughed and said that that was the best part. "If the time is right, you'll lepada stock mensual society and become very rich. You'll make millions. "" Millions Senior. Then what? ". American businessman said "Then you would retire. Move to a small beach town so you can sleep late, fish a little, play with the kids, enjoying a nap with his wife, a walk to the village at night and sip wine and play guitar with my friends. "

According to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, American pegusaha in these stories are spiritually ignorant, while the Mexican fisherman spiritually intelligent. The fishermen have an intelligent understanding of the purpose of his own life which he considered important, the best motivation in itself. He lived a lifestyle that can meet the needs of himself and his family, he took the time to the things that mattered to him, he felt at peace, he was focused. Instead American businessman, the son of a dumb culture spiritual, ambitious, he had to achieve something for the achievement itself, contact with life which gives a deep motivation, he had absorbed the ideals of nonsense, just the ideals that he learned at Harvard. Prophet Muhammad peminpin spiritually intelligent, dividing his time into three parts. One-third to his Lord, one third to one-third to community and family. In the household of the Prophet said: "My home is like heaven to me".

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