Rabu, 25 November 2009


Hikmah Idul Adha

Idul Adha atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah Hari Raya Qurban merupakan salah satu hari raya yang begitu akbar dirayakan oleh seluruh umat Islam baik di bumi Nusantara maupun di belahan dunia lainnya. Dikumandangkannya Takbir, Tahlil dan Tahmid sejak 10 Dzulhijjah sampai 13 Dzulhijjah yang merupakan hari Tasyriq, menandakan, Idul Adha memiliki nuansa dan getaran Tauhidiyah yang sendiri.

Idul Adha atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah Hari Raya Qurban merupakan salah satu hari raya yang begitu akbar dirayakan oleh seluruh umat Islam baik di bumi Nusantara maupun di belahan dunia lainnya. Dikumandangkannya Takbir, Tahlil dan Tahmid sejak 10 Dzulhijjah sampai 13 Dzulhijjah yang merupakan hari Tasyriq, menandakan, Idul Adha memiliki nuansa dan getaran Tauhidiyah yang sendiri.

Perayaan Idul Adha yang ditandai dengan penyembelihan hewan qurban pada hakikatnya membawa pikiran, hati dan keimanan kita larut kepada satu peristiwa besar yang terjadi puluhan abad yang silam. Kisah yang begitu mengharukan dari seorang hamba Allah yang taat yaitu Nabi Ibrahim AS dan putranya Ismail yang begitu sabar dan patuh pada perintah Sang Khalik, Allah SWT, yang untaian kisahnya begitu indah dilukiskan dalam Al Quran surah Ash-Shafat ayat 102-105 yang artinya ‘Maka ketika anak itu sampai pada umur dewasa yakni sanggup berusaha bersamanya, (Ibrahim) berkata, ‘Wahai anakku yang kusayang, sesungguhnya aku bermimpi bahwa aku menyembelihmu. Maka fikirkanlah, bagaimana pendapatmu. ‘Dia (Isma’il) menjawab,’Wahai ayahku, lakukanlah apa yang diperintahkan Allah kepadamu; Insya Allah engkau akan mendapatkanku termasuk orang yang bersabar. ‘Maka setelah keduanya bertekad bulat dalam berserah diri (kepada Allah) dan dibaringkan pipi (Isma’il) di atas tanah. Kemudian kami berseru kepadanya, ‘Hai Ibrahim, engkau telah benar-benar melaksakan perintahKu dalam mimpi itu. Demikianlah sesungguhnya Kami membalas orang-orang yang berlaku baik. ‘

Pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim AS dan putranya Isma’il AS digambarkan Allah SWT sebagai ujian keimanan yang nyata sebagai mana Firman-Nya dalam surah Ash-Shafat ayat 106 yang artinya, ‘Sesungguhnya ini merupakan uji coba yang nyata.’Dan dalam lanjutan kisah penyembelihan ini Allah SWT Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang menggantikan Nabi Ismail dengan sembelihan dari syurga yakni seekor kibas yang besar yang dahulu dikorbankan oleh Habil, putra Nabi Adam AS sebagaimana Firman Allah dalam surah Ash-Shafat 107 yang artinya,’Kami tebus anaknya itu dengan sembelihan besar (seekor domba/kibas).’

Ketaatan Nabi Ibrahim AS dalam menjunjung tinggi perintah Allah dan keikhlasan serta kesabaran Nabi Ismail mengundang kekaguman para malaikat yang menyerukan kalimat Takbir, ‘Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar’, yang disambut Nabi Ibrahim dengan kalimat Tahlil, Laailaha Illallahu Allahu Akbar, yang diikuti pula oleh Nabi Ismail dengan ucapan Tahmid, ‘Allahu Akbar WalillahIlhamd ‘yang hingga saat ini, rangkaian kalimat yang mulia ini menghiasi ratusan juta bibir umat Islam saat merayakan Idul Adha. Rangkaian kisah keluarga taat yang Allah Abadikan dalam Al Quran nul karim tentunya mengandung banyak hikmah dan pelayaran yang sangat berharga bagi seluruh ummat manusia. Ibnu Katsir, salah seorang ulama Tafsir terkemuka menyatakan apabila Allah SWT mengabadikan satu kisah dalam Al Quran, maka sesungguhnya kisah ini amat bernilai tinggi dan berisikan pelajaran yang sangat berharga bagi manusia.

Adapun beberapa hikmah yang dapat kita petik dari peristiwa Idul Qurban antara lain adalah:

Yang pertama, hanya kepada Allah SWT segenap cinta kita curahkan karena Rahmat dan Nikmat-Nya kita terima setiap waktu dan saat yang tiada terhitung banyaknya sekalipun kita gunakan air laut sebagai tintanya dan seluruh rantai pepohonan sebagai penanya; Maka niscaya akan keringlah seluruh lautan dan habislah semua pepohonan sementara nikmat Allah masih banyak yang belum kita tuliskan. Cinta kepada Allah akan berimplikasi pada keikhlasan dan kepatuhan kita dalam menjunjung tinggi perintah-Nya serta menjauhi segala larangan-Nya.

Yang Kedua, Hanya kepada Allah kita persembahkan segala puji sekali pun pada kenyataannya banyak manusia yang suka dipuji bahkan tidak jarang minta dipuji; karena kepada hakekatnya hanya Allah Yang Maha Suci Lagi Maha Tinggi. Bukankah kita senantiasa melafazkan ayat Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin Yang artinya segala puji hanya milik Allah Tuhan seluruh sekalian alam?

Yang ketiga, hanya kepada Allah SWT kita berserah diri amal ibadah yang kita dirikan siang dan malam, Dzikir yang kita lafadzkan pagi dan petang yang didasari dengan niat ikhlas tanpa mengharapkan pujian dari makhlukNya, pada akhirnya akan kita persembahkan kepada Allah sebagai wujud pengabdian hamba kepada Rab-Nya. Bukankah setiap hari kita berikrar dalam doa Iftitah pada shalat yang kita dirikan bahwa ‘Sesungguhnya shalatku dan semua ibadahku, dan hidupku dan matiku hanyalah buat Allah Tuhan Seluruh sekalian alam.’Karenanya perayaan Idul Adha sudah kita jadikan momentum untuk lebih mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT menjunjung tinggi segala perintahnya, menjauhi semua larangan-Nya, senantiasa berserah diri pada-Nya dan mengharap ampunan serta Ridha-Nya, Wallahu a’lam bisshawab.

Selasa, 24 November 2009

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Sabtu, 21 November 2009


Mohammad Suyanto

Development of al-Sadir, a castle that in pusisi associated with al-Khawarnaq and is located "in the middle of the desert between Hirah and Syria", is also ascribed to al-Nu'man. Puri al-Sadir and buildings other hirah Lakhmi now in name only. There is no longer recognizable except al-Khawarnaq.

Under boys and successor of al-Nu'man, al-Mundhir I (c. 418-462 AD), Hirah began playing an important role in the events of his time. So much influence al-Mundhir so that he can force the priests to crown Bahram of Persia, who wanted the position as crown prince. In 421, he fought shoulder to shoulder with the Sassanid against the Byzantine empire.

In the first half of the 6th century AD, ruled by Mundhir Hirah others, namely al-Mundhir III (about 505-554), which is called by the Arabs as Ibn Ma'al-Sama '(water sky). His reign was the most famous in the annals of royal Lakhmi. He is a thorn for the Roman Syria. He did a lot of attacks down to Antioch before finally dealing with a more powerful opponent, namely al-Hatits from Gassan kingdom. With regard to al-Mundhir this, al-Aghani strange story about two best friends, which was reported buried alive in a booze party.

Boys and its successor, 'Amr, with the nickname of Ibn Hind (554-569), although most tyrants, was a patron of the poet who was so generous. The best Arab poets, such as ibn al-Tharafah'Abd, al-Harith ibn Hillizah and 'Amr ibn Kulthum (three of the seven famous poets' poems Gold ", Mu'allaqat), gathered at the palace. 'Amr, as well as Lakhmi kings and Jafna, recognizes the role of the poets of his time in forming public opinion. Therefore, he and the other kings, with the aim to spread influence among the nomadic people, providing a large number of prizes to the poets who frequented the court. 'Amr was killed at the hands of Ibn Kulthum, an asylum seeker, who replied that her mother was hurt by the king had been insulted.


Mohammad Suyanto

The Lakhmi are a people who lived in southern Iraq. A history mentions Malik ibn al-Fahm Adzi as the first leader of the Arab settlement in Iraq, and made his son, Jadhimah al-abrasion, as the representative of Ardasyir. The founder of the kingdom is actually Lakhmi 'Amr ibn' Adi ibn Nasr ibn ibn Rabi'a Lakhm, boys Jadhimah sisters, who married Jadhimah servants. 'Amr Hirah consolidate its position in which he made as the capital of his government in 266 AD, not the ancient Babylonian jaduh dai .. Hirah derived from Syriac, Herta, camp. Hirah city was later developed into the Arab capital of Persia. The ruins of al-Hirah located 3 km south of Kufa.

With the establishment of Lakhmi Dynasty in the second half of the third century AD, there were about 20 names Lakhmi kings, the first king known clearly is Imru 'al-Qays I (d. 328 AD), the inscription on his tombstone is a proto-Arabic writing The oldest found. Writing letters merupkan variations of Nabasia people and show many signs of the transition to the North Arabic script the latter, especially from the merging letters. Among the descendants Imru 'al-Qays, al-Nu'man I, al A'war (the eye one, c. 400-418), who excelled in the field of poetry and legend. He was praised for developing al-Khawarnaq, a famous castle near Hirah, residence Bahram Gor, son Yazdagird I (399-420), who desire that her son dibeasarkan in the midst of a healthy desert. Al-Khawarnaq regarded as a result of the great works of art and claimed by later historians as the work of Byzantine architecture had a habit of killing their legendary architect after completing his work to ensure that they do not make a copy. Al-Num'man remain a pagan all his life and a moment never to execute people who are Christians. He also forbade Arabs to visit the hermit Saint Simeon, though at the end of his life he felt closer to the Christian religion. Simeon himself was an Arab, and people gathered from the desert to see the interesting sights of a hermit who lived on the top of the tower.


Mohammad Suyanto

"Since 1918, when World War I introduced the use of mass IQ testing of potential United States military. IQ scores on average in the United States has increased 24 points and tercata similar increase in developed countries around the world. Reasons for the increase range from better nutrition, more children the opportunity of completing higher education. The existence of computer games and puzzle games that help children master the skills increasingly oriented to small number of family members, who generally berkolerasi with high IQ scores in children. From the results of large-scale survey of teachers and parents indicates that the generation of children is now more often experience emotional problems than previous generations. Children today are growing in average lonely and depressed, more irritable and more unruly, more nervous and tend to worry, more impulsive and aggressive "said Daniel Goleman.

Around the early 1970s, dipuncak widespread student protests worldwide against the Vietnam War, a librarian at a U.S. office. Information Agency overseas receive bad news. A student group threatened to burn the library. Incidentally these librarians have few friends among the students who took out the threat. Her reaction at first seem silly or naive or both. He invited the group to use the library for some of their meetings. He also asked Americans who attended the relevant country to listen to them, so there was a dialogue rather than confrontation. Librarian is demonstrating his skills as a negotiator, or agent of a very great peace, which is able to read the situation and that is one ability that is emotional intelligence (EQ).

According to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, IQ and EQ separately or together, are not sufficient to explain the entire complexity of human intelligence and spirit and imagination celebration. Computers have a high IQ, because it can learn the rules and followed him without one. Many animals have a high EQ, because it can recognize the situation they occupy and know how to respond to the situation appropriately. However, computers and animals never asked why we have rules or situations, or whether the rule or the situation can be changed or repaired. Leaders need spiritual intelligence (SQ) that can streamline IQ and EQ. Spiritual intelligence is the intelligence to deal with and solve problems of meaning and value, the intelligence to put the behavior and life of a leader in the context of the broader meaning and rich, the intelligence to assess the actions or the way a person's life has meaning than others.

Spiritual values common spiritual, among other things: truth, honesty, modesty, caring, cooperation, freedom, peace, love, understanding, charity, responsibility, tolerance, integrity, trust, probity, humility, loyalty, accuracy, nobility, courage, unity, gratitude, humor, persistence, patience, justice, equality, equity, sincerity, wisdom, and determination.

Love Mahatma Gandhi used to meminpin 3 billion people of India to gain independence. He loved the Sudra who suffer, not just by accepting them as family members, and even he was willing to risk your life fighting remove caste differences and inspire the Indians to be fair to others. Gandhi loved children innocent and always took time to play with the children hermitage, he also liked to hold the baby, kissed her and spoil them like his own fruits. After the evening prayers the children like surrounding. As adults these children are difficult to accept the fact that parents are really warm-hearted is the Father of Independence of India. He also loved the enemy and believe that everyone is basically good only still closed. He thought, if the words are not able to soften the opponent, then at least innocence, humility, and honesty will make people be moved so that lawanpun pity for his patience, and then throw away the thought of not going to happen and kill each other. Besides not want to harm the enemy, better jugberanggapan Gandhi herself who suffer in order that both parties love each other hostile. His death is very ironic to tell us that the sincerity and kindness alone would not be able to help others stay away from pressure, occupation, killing each other, hatred and sadistic actions. Beloved country divided, farmers remain poor attention. Flames of war on the earth-tide had receded, the luxury giant foot stepping on the poor, moaning. Love exists, is the biggest part for others and a little for himself msendiri. Kwok Yuen writes in his book Sun Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi

Umar bin Abdul Aziz is also a great leader with a high spiritual intelligence. In addition to himself as caliph (leader of the country), as well as scholars. He was a leader who succeeded in leading the state and society in the form of a beautiful, beautiful. After the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and the first four caliphs, Islam never practiced in its pure and essential, except in his reign. He managed to change the status quo in the leadership of the revolution and change the country into "Heaven of the world" is done in a very short time. The country has to realize prosperity, harmony and inner and outer peace. The secret lies in the charm of his personality as a driver of a simple constructor in eating, dressing and driving. To perform the pilgrimage, he do not have money. When he saw his son for days outside the Kingdom with a very simple clothes and even torn, though clean, in the midst of other children who play with romping with their clothes are all new, his tears came out because of emotion. When he died his property only 17 dinars, the things he offspring of a wealthy nobleman. Five dinars for kafannya cloth, 2 dinars for soil pekuburannya and the rest is 10 dinars, which is distributed to 11 sons. When people come to his house at night to talk about personal problems, the first turned off the lights that are funded with state money, and lit the oil lamp from his own pocket. This is to keep from public money used for things outside the offices of interest, which is not allowed. Umar bin Abdul Azis fired officials who do wrong (oppress), return the confiscated property, to defend people who are not treated fairly in court, and returned to the Christian Church. When he was sharing an apple to its people. Suddenly a small child who took the apple and then put into his mouth. Omar had patted his hand for the apple on his son's mouth, so her daughter crying and ran to her mother. Eventually his wife went to the market to buy apples. In the mosque, Umar nudged leg man who was sleeping, he spontaneously said, "Are you crazy?". Umar replied "No". Hearing the words of men, angry guards move to hit him, but Umar patience with his bodyguard "The man did not do anything, he just asked if you crazy? I replied with a no. "Caliph Umar is a humble, never lies and fear the punishment of the Hereafter.

SQ allows leaders to be creative, change the rules and situations. SQ provides the ability to distinguish leaders, bound by a moral akat, the ability to adjust the rigid rules coupled with love and understanding and equal ability to see when love and understanding to the limit. Leaders use SQ to distinguish what is good and what is bad, and imagine the possibilities that have not materialized to dream and make them humble leader. SQ makes a leader truly intact intellectually, emotionally and this spiritual.Irak, and made his son, Jadhimah al-abrasion, as the representative of Ardasyir. The founder of the kingdom is actually Lakhmi 'Amr ibn' Adi ibn Nasr ibn ibn Rabi'a Lakhm, boys Jadhimah sisters, who married Jadhimah servants. 'Amr Hirah consolidate its position in which he made as the capital of his government in 266 AD, not the ancient Babylonian jaduh dai .. Hirah derived from Syriac, Herta, camp. Hirah city was later developed into the Arab capital of Persia. The ruins of al-Hirah located 3 km south of Kufa.

With the establishment of Lakhmi Dynasty in the second half of the third century AD, there were about 20 names Lakhmi kings, the first king known clearly is Imru 'al-Qays I (d. 328 AD), the inscription on his tombstone is a proto-Arabic writing The oldest found. Writing letters merupkan variations of Nabasia people and show many signs of the transition to the North Arabic script the latter, especially from the merging letters. Among the descendants Imru 'al-Qays, al-Nu'man I, al A'war (the eye one, c. 400-418), who excelled in the field of poetry and legend. He was praised for developing al-Khawarnaq, a famous castle near Hirah, residence Bahram Gor, son Yazdagird I (399-420), who desire that her son dibeasarkan in the midst of a healthy desert. Al-Khawarnaq regarded as a result of the great works of art and claimed by later historians as the work of Byzantine architecture had a habit of killing their legendary architect after completing his work to ensure that they do not make a copy. Al-Num'man remain a pagan all his life and a moment never to execute people who are Christians. He also forbade Arabs to visit the hermit Saint Simeon, though at the end of his life he felt closer to the Christian religion. Simeon himself was an Arab, and people gathered from the desert to see the interesting sights of a hermit who lived on the top of the tower.


Mohammad Suyanto

According to Drucker, the foundation of effective leadership is thinking about the vision and mission of the organization, define, and enforce a clear and real. Leaders set goals, determine priorities, and establish and monitor standards. Meanwhile, according to Tony Buzan in his book The Power of Spiritual intelligence, vision is defined as the ability to think or plan for the future wisely and imaginatively, using a mental picture of the situation can and may occur in the future. Vision is a leader who wants to be an ideal leader is carefully formulated, which determine the direction or future circumstances. Thus the vision is the starting point of fact the next day a company. True vision is a very powerful idea that can make the early leap into the future by combining all the resources to realize the vision. Vision true charm and causing others to make a commitment, generate energy and enthusiasm, able to create meaning for the life of the company, able to create a standard that can be used to measure the success of the company, can be used outsiders (customers) to measure the benefits of her company, became The main bridge between what companies do now with what the company wants in the future, is a major prerequisite for strategic planning and is the basis for formulating the company's mission.

Bill Gates had a vision of "A computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft device". So when Bill Gates created the MS-DOS, it makes the Windows operating system as well as home use window (window) that causes Bill Gates became the world's richest entrepreneurs. It is not really true that only Bill Gates alone is responsible for placing PCs in offices and in homes around the world, but Bill Gates has a vision to see what is possible and the desire to turn that vision into reality.

Thomas Watson Sr.. company renamed Computing Tabulating Recording Company to International Business Machines (IBM), although not yet operate at internationally, but Thomas Watson had a vision that the company later became the company that operates internationally. When Watson called the International Business Machines (IBM) a lot of people when it was ridicule. Some even say that Watson gave the name of exaggerating the company. But now IBM is a modern company and its managers become role models to suit a white shirt, plain tie, the spirit of extraordinary selling. In 2003 this IBM Computer Company was selected as the most amazing world of Fortune magazine.

Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon.com, which was originally just a book store .. Why is he named his company with Amazon?. Because "the Amazon River is the largest river in the world" said Jeff Bezos. What about the river Nile?. River Nile is the longest river in the world, when compared with the Amazon River water volume is only a tributary of the Amazon. Amazon River contains 20% of the world clean water, then had Jeff Bezos about his company would become the company that controls 20% of the world market. Amazon.com to open the E-Commernya site in July 1995, starting from the bookstore and then extended to the compact disk (CD) and then to the auction and now thousands of different products and different vendors. In the year 1996 to sell 15.7 million dollars and increased to 600 million dollars in 1998. Amazon.com reported on November 1 until December 23, 2002, consumers who do order in the world 56 million items to become the best online store in 2002 version of Yahoo magazine.

John F. Welch, Jr. (CEO) of General Electric said: "We use three operating principles for setting the atmosphere and attitudes at General Electric: no borders in all our behavior, speed in everything we do and stretch in every goal we set". behavior without borders unite the twelve major global businesses, each number one or number two in the market, into a vast laboratory of new ideas produkutamanya is, together with a general commitment to disseminate throughout the company. Speed is something not usually found in the company's registration General Electric, but at General Electric in the form of speed product development, design re-cycle (from order to delivery), set back the ability to reduce plant and equipment investment. Stretching means using dreams to set goals that exceed the targets set.

Yet many leaders do not have a spiritual element in life meraka vision, it is no wonder many leaders are seemingly happy, prosperous and abundant worldly success, but they live a meaningless void. The New York Times reported that real income has increased more than 16% for thirty years in America, but Americans who describe themselves as "very happy" actually in the same period has fallen from 36% to 29%. The Dalai Lama said "People can be much happier if only they'd share the wealth, share more friends, more fragrant names, positive things are inherited, and also less regret when they died later. They can say to yourself, at least I have used my money to help others, "wrote Howard C. Cutler in the book The Art of Happiness at Work.

Great leader who is not wallowing in wealth, even sleeping on a mat that marks on her body, friends with poverty and those who are weak, but his life is full of meaning Muhammad, who is a visionary leader to grace the whole of nature.


Mohammad Suyanto

Justice is fairness, honesty, sincerity is not biased. According to Ibn Khaldun, development can not be achieved except through justice and justice is the measure used to evaluate human God
Abu Yusuf explains the justice to the caliph Harun al-Rashid as saying''bring justice to those harmed and remove tyranny will increase revenue, accelerate the development of the country, and bring blessing, as well rewarded in the afterlife.''

Successful leaders are serious in achieving justice. They'll say something and try to execute it. They execute by using the principles of justice, not indiscriminately.

Surely everyone wants to be treated fairly, but many among us who ignore this principle of justice. Especially when the decision-making, we get the pressure that makes us not be fair.

The successful leader, has the ability to remain fair, despite the pressure. Being fair is very difficult, not all of us were able to perform at a company or organization.

Leaders who see the world successfully use the principle of equality. All people are equal, then the principle of justice is the coveted leader of his men. When leaders do not do justice, it will destroy the world, will destroy the men and will lead to distrust subordinates to leaders, and would discourage business.

Morale is a rare item. Competition tighter business, did not rule out the employee becomes a victim as a result of the new strategy to win the competition. If it was so, the business spirit of employees will decrease.

In the U.S., Europe and even in Indonesia trying to find the business spirit of the employees, after long forgotten. Various pressures coming from various directions that threaten morale killing a productive and creative as well as destroy it to rubble tidakpercayaan interrelatedness cynical, narrow selfishness and damage that will cause despair. In this work, too many people who feel unsafe, threatened and unappreciated.

KLA Instruments corporate leaders, Ken Levy, uses the principle of justice, when the company is experiencing difficulties. He said in a meeting:''On this day I wanted cut payroll 10 percent, but because I got the biggest paycheck, so please cut 20 percent.''

Despite allegations, people who attended the meeting instead of being upset because it was cut, but even they agree and employees to keep working hard. Employee morale is not down, but it increased sharply, because the leaders use the principles of justice.

My experience led more than 20 business units are also taught that way. When one of my business unit in very difficult conditions, so I asked to cut my salary 50 percent, while employees I asked to be patient, if the receiving salaries late and there was no increase in salary. Employees continue to work hard, their morale increases and eventually found new products and new strategies that cause them survive and get out of the crisis


Mohammad Suyanto

Univesity Harvard, was elected as the world's best business schools. Nevertheless Harvard University is still getting criticism from one businessman who had been invited to be guest lecturer at Harvard University. McCormack is a lecturer, to expose what is not taught in the School of Business (Harvard Univesity). Why not teach? Because Harvard professor can not teach it. It is not taught is creativity and innovation.

There are schools that can teach not only creativity and innovation, but to teach people with full ability. The school teaches man as the true Bani Adam, the man who can control himself from eating and drinking excessively, overdress, excessive driving and excessive desire. Humans are not greedy.

The school also teaches people to be basyar, namely those who have the ability to maintain physical and soul remain healthy and fit. Physical is like a machine to work continuously. In order for the machine is working properly and lasting needs to be maintained properly. The soul is like the rhythm of the machine work. Both must be combined into a single and harmonious.

The school is making students become human, that people have the tremendous ability to think, so that science can menyeral extraordinary, including business knowledge. Opportunities tend to side with people who are trained, who not only using logic, but it combines with intuition. If the logical equivalent of the sun, then the intuition is the month. Both are very important in a business that should be owned by people who bear the title creature.

The school is making students become Annas, the student who can get along with superiors, subordinates with a good colleague. Confidential communications hádala cooperation. True communication will be realized only if they can understand the meaning, words and feelings of our communication opponent. We must understand our speaker, after that we only understood by our speaker.

Schools can also make the student with the title abdun, ie students who have the ability to serve God well, as the ultimate weapon dikala trial or difficulty seeing. Schools can improve spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence to make rational intelligence and emotional intelligence to be more effective. This school is indeed man made perfect, or insan kamil. Schools that can beat Harvard University, even the best schools without a rival in this world called Fasting Ramadan.


Mohammad Suyanto

Executive hubris cause the collapse of one of the company. In 2002, already known to the collapse of Enron, oil companies, because its executive employees tehadap repugnant behavior by firing employees en masse, but behind it was reported the company was still able to find funds to finance the $ 200,000 luxury box at what was once called Enron Field. Polaroid Company, reported to cancel retiree health benefits, retired before the company's petition, reported management instead petitioned the bankruptcy court to be allowed to give $ 19 million in bonuses to executives in order not to leave the company. Likewise, companies that pay Webvan CEO who resigned his $ 375,000 annually for life, before the company ceased operations are to lay off employees. Thanks to the incidents publicized uproar about executive greed and arrogance, Americans no longer believe in the big companies to new levels. America's New Economic and promising era of new prosperity is not limited. But it was groundless, Mark Ingebretsen writes in his book Why Companies Fail. "Many top executives tend to establish the distance to the front lines. The bigger the company, the more likely the top executives lose contact with the front line. This could be the single most important factor that inhibits the growth of the company "says Jack Trout. .

Tatapi contrary, founder Sam Walton as Wal-Mart, with a modest and humble to visit the front lines (salesman) of every Wal-Mart stores throughout his life. He even mengabiskan midnight unloading didok and berbicaran the crew. Sam Walton's leadership style is close to the employee coloring corporate culture of Wal-Mart today. In 2003, Wal-Mart was selected as number one company of the most amazing world, Fortune magazine.

Similarly, when Umar went to Sham Khatab camel ride along with his assistants. Umar took turns with the attendants in the climbing camel. When Umar camel ride, then the assistant who holds the rope, otherwise if the camel ride attendant who holds the rope Umar, and so on until the destination. When he arrived at Sham Omar's turn came to pull the rope, on the way the camels' Umar held the rope and slippers tucked under the left armpit. Governor of Syria, Abu Ubadah know and say, 'O Commander of the Faithful, the authorities have come out Syam your pick, then it does not deserve when they see you like this. "Umar said," It is with Islam because we have to be noble, it does not matter what people say ". Leaders who lead with humility is a noble leader in both the side of God and the human side.


Mohammad Suyanto

n his book, SQ: Spiritual intelligence-The Ultimate intelligence, Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall told me about an American businessman and the fisherman Mexico. American businessmen praised the fisherman and asked how long it takes to catch it. Mexican fisherman replied, "Just a minute". Entrepreneur Amerikaitu asked again "Why did you not stay at sea longer to get more fish?". "This fish is sufficient to meet my family needs" the fisherman replied. "But, what do you do with the rest of the time?" Asked the American businessman. Mexican fisherman answered "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my kids, sleeping with istaya, a walk to the village every night to sip wine and play guitar with my friends. I have a life full and busy and Senior ". American businessmen were jeered, "I am a graduate of Harvard MBA and could help you. You should use more time to catch fish. With the profits from it, you can buy a bigger boat. From the results of a larger boat you can buy a boat again. In the end, you will have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling the catch to the middlemen, you can sell directly to the fish processing plant, and finally, you can open their own canning business. You will control the product, processing, and distribution. Later, you have to leave the small coastal village and move to Mexico City, then to Los Angeles, and finally, to New York, and you will run your own company's growing. "Nelaya Mexico then asked" But the senior, how long the time required for this? ". American businessman replied "Fifteen to twenty-five years". "Then after that what, senior?" Asked the fisherman. American businessman laughed and said that that was the best part. "If the time is right, you'll lepada stock mensual society and become very rich. You'll make millions. "" Millions Senior. Then what? ". American businessman said "Then you would retire. Move to a small beach town so you can sleep late, fish a little, play with the kids, enjoying a nap with his wife, a walk to the village at night and sip wine and play guitar with my friends. "

According to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, American pegusaha in these stories are spiritually ignorant, while the Mexican fisherman spiritually intelligent. The fishermen have an intelligent understanding of the purpose of his own life which he considered important, the best motivation in itself. He lived a lifestyle that can meet the needs of himself and his family, he took the time to the things that mattered to him, he felt at peace, he was focused. Instead American businessman, the son of a dumb culture spiritual, ambitious, he had to achieve something for the achievement itself, contact with life which gives a deep motivation, he had absorbed the ideals of nonsense, just the ideals that he learned at Harvard. Prophet Muhammad peminpin spiritually intelligent, dividing his time into three parts. One-third to his Lord, one third to one-third to community and family. In the household of the Prophet said: "My home is like heaven to me".
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